Wellness Solutions Introduction
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I am so happy to be able to share this vital information with you. Thank you for placing your trust in me.
You will receive a certain amount just by reading through the series, but you’ll gain a whole lot more from the experience if you take your time and interact with me along the way. It was not designed to be a book to read, but rather to be a time of looking carefully at your current lifestyle, and your daily consumption, and being ready to make little changes as they become obvious to you.
Building your health is one of the most important aspects of your life as everything else hinges on it. Living to a good mature age is not so much fun if you are not in health. We want to be able to enjoy every day as it comes, and to be able to do the things you want to do.
So this series comes with the ability to contact me with your questions, queries or comments. On the bottom of each page there is a ‘Leave a Comment’ area for you to leave your message’ If it’s on a more personal basis, you can contact me through the ‘Contact Me’ link found at the top of each page. I will endeavour to reply within 24 hours as much as possible. Now, if I don’t happen to know the answer to your question, I will let you know and then endeavour to find out for you.
So please feel free to talk with me throughout the series. I’d love to get to know you and hope we can enjoy a nice working relationship together.
Please click onto this page to introduce yourself. You may like to share a little as to why you have decided to go on this journey with me.
Need more help?
- If you are suffering from various symptoms, sicknesses or disease, I am further able to help you. As a Nutritional Counsellor, I may just be able to place my finger upon your problem. I can help you to manage and hopefully give you a better quality of life. Good nutrition brings life!
- Maybe you are overweight and need more personalised aid in meeting your goals. I would be very happy to aid you in this journey.
- Many symptoms people experience and many conditions they face, are caused through lack of nutrients, and the right kind of minerals etc. I can certainly advise you.
Kind regards,
Nutritional Counsellor & Dietary Consultant