
The Cycle of Change – How it Works

We take a look at something a little bit different here… 


I’m presuming that most people going through this course have already decided that they need to do something about their diet and lifestyle, so you are most probably on step 3… preparing and making changes.  Or some could be at Step 2 where they are becoming aware and are ready to make a change.  A bit of both.

Once you set these things into motion, it will be a matter of maintaining the changes you’ve made.  This is why I suggest that you don’t try to follow and do everything together at the same time as it can be overwhelming.

It could be, along the way, that you begin to mess up with certain changes and a relapse sets in.  Oops!  

This lesson is designed to give you some understanding of how the cycle of change takes place.  At any time you  notice you have gone off the rails… stop… take stock… and begin again.  Don’t berate yourself and feel like a failure! It’s like a child learning to walk.  We have no problem understanding that they’ll fall time and time again, but we  always encourage them to get up and try again don’t we?  Sure we do.

So, it’s the same for you.

Be prepared for setbacks and keep on going.  Keep focused to the end goal.  What is that?  I believe it’s when you are eating and living in a healthy way and it comes natural to you.  It’s when you are not dreaming of that cream bun, or donuts.   Yes, it’s when you don’t have to stop and think it through, but rather, you choose to do that which leads to wellness rather than choosing that which leads… the other way!

I’ll be so happy to hear what you have to say about this lesson. 🙂


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