Module 5


Unhealthy Beverages

I’m convinced that many people have not any idea what makes up a healthy drink as against an unhealthy drink… let’s take a look…


As you can see, this lesson only covers the unhealthy kind of drinks.  We will move into the healthy drinks in the next lesson.

Drinking your calories is not so wise anyway, as it doesn’t tend to make you feel satisfied.  If you consume regularly a soft drink, or a glass of juice… or a couple of alcoholic beverages, you will find unwanted weight being added to your body.

I’m not too sure there is much more to say, it’s all fairly self-explanatory.

Did you know that about the Growth Hormones?  Seems a great idea not to ‘sleep off’ alcohol consumption doesn’t it… especially if you are fighting with weight loss.

See  how you go in this quiz…

Many people forget that alcohol can play a big part in their general wellness and weight loss. Just one here and another there begins to add up quite considerably. How well do you know the answers to these questions?













Five schooners of beer have the same calories as a cheeseburger and fries?
















A ‘beer belly’ is only caused by downing too many beers?

















Alcohol is measured in standards with the recommended maximum intake for men being 2 standards per day?














If you’re trying to lose weight a good choice is non-alcoholic beer?














When you consume alcohol, you lose more water in your urine than you take in, in the drink itself?














Switching between beer, wine and spirits will lead to intoxication more quickly than sticking to one type of alcohol beverage?














There are no health benefits to drinking alcohol?


Question 1 of 7



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