Good Health requires all Vitamins
How many people eat up to 9 serves of fruits and vegetables per day? Unfortunately, not many…
40-VitaminsSome people prefer to swallow a vitamin tablet just to ensure they are receiving all the vitamins and minerals their body requires.
Guess what, doesn’t work that way!
You see, the best way to receive your daily requirement is through food. Although scientists have ascertained many of the components of food, they still don’t know everything. They don’t fully understand it yet.
Eating plenty of fresh vegetables and a couple servings of fruit per day is still the best way.
But, as our land has become so nutrient deficient, not all vitamins and minerals can be found in the produce that’s planted in it.
Because of this, good supplementation is required, but as already stated, most of what you find in the market place is a synthetic version of the real thing.
Remember how I’ve been stressing quality?
Always quality food and always quality vitamins.
Most of what has been manufactured, contrary to what advertising tells you, can not be recognised by the body as food. You need to realise this. Real food is the requirement. Natural vitamin supplements are also the requirement to make up for anything that may be lacking in your body.
Natural vitamins are derived from fruits and vegetables, and are not created in a lab. There is a huge difference.
Of-course we always need to be aware of the sprays as simply washing vegetables and fruits in water does little to remove them. In particular, please don’t eat strawberries unless you have managed to source them organically, spray free or have grown your own without sprays. Even if washing did help to remove harmful sprays, strawberries are far too soft for such treatment. I will not pick up a punnet of strawberries from the supermarket and take them home to eat. No way… I’d
much sooner go without.
Buy organic produce, the more of us that do the better it will become.
Are Organic Foods truly Organic?
I don’t believe, in reality, that there is such a thing as truly organic anymore. With all the spraying in the skies going on around our world, it would be impossible for any plant outside to manage to miss the toxins falling down around them in the air. But organic is about as close as you will come.
Some people are very afraid of sunshine… usually because maybe they have had a skin cancer or two. It’s quite important though that we do continue to receive a little sunshine on as much of our body as possible. You should not allow yourself to burn though and the amount of time spent in the sun differs with every skin type.
Receiving plenty of Vitamin D, through sun exposure, or by the food you eat, or a good natural vitamin supplement, can help to protect you from cancer.
How do you fair with eating 5 – 9 serves of vegetables and fruits per day?
As a country boy I had access to fresh strawberries, mushrooms, peas, maize/corn and so many fresh vegies.
Unfortunately when I buy now from the supermarket the taste is never the same.
The convenience is great but not the quality.
Yes Keith, I know exactly what you mean. Most of the produce you purchase lacks flavour. I grew up on orange orchards where the oranges were amazing. On occasion I can buy a really good tasting orange, but so often you can tell they’ve gassed them to quickly ‘ripen’ them… beautifully orange coloured on the outside but half green on the inside. There’s nothing quite picking one straight off the tree after the sun has ripened it. Yummy!