
Healthy Beverages

Ahh, so what can we drink?  Good question… let’s find out…


As you can see there are a lot of choices!  I’m sure somewhere in there you could find a drink or two that you’d find very satisfying rather than consuming those highly sugar-laden fizzy drinks and fruit juices.

Good Healthy Drinks

Flavoured water is a really good one and worth working at if you are not so sure of just having a faint taste.  Eventually the water will taste really good to you.

I love Chai Latte made without all the sugar and just sweetened with part of a mejool date.  All those spices would be doing me good too.

I like my own version of Hot Chocolate where it’s made of top quality Cacao and full cream Coconut Milk.  Can’t stand the shop ones as they are far, far too sweet for me.

What are some of your favourite beverages?  Maybe you have something else that I haven’t mentioned.


  2. Natural News:


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