

Are Artificial Sweeteners a Good Option?

People, interested in health or weight loss, often resort to using artificial sugars instead of refined white sugar.

This is a BIG mistake!

Artificial Sweeteners have been created in a lab and definitely give the sweet taste.  Unfortunately they are void of nutrition and leave you feeling unsatisfied.

Let’s see what the PDF has to say about them…


Do you know artificial sweeteners are actually linked to weight gain?  Hmm… now that’s not what the consumer was anticipating!

The word ‘diet’ means ‘no added sugar’.  Are you a fool?  Of-course not!  You know there is something in there to sweeten the food or drink.    It’s that ‘something’  I run a mile from, how about you?

Aspartame, in my opinion, according to the vast papers I’ve read concerning it, is one of the very worst.

How come someone caring about their food intake, can consume drinks containing aspartame?
It’s boggles my mind.  You just need to read again slide 5 as that will give you something to think about!

Then look at the huge list of artificial sweetener names out there… and I guarantee I didn’t find them all. If that’s not enough, what about the huge list of products we find them in?  Many you would never guess in a million years!

Yes, come back to nature… it will look after you.  Don’t consume anything to excess.  Think about what you’ve already had in the day and try not to double up. Look for a different food or drink to keep the variety coming.

So, are you caught in the artificial sweetener trap?
Have you been under the understanding that they are better for your health?
Are you game to share???  🙂


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