Module 1
The Freedom Pillars of Health
To begin with we are going to do an activity together and I want you to take your time… don’t rush. It’s a time to reflect and try to answer as honestly as you can.
The answers are for your benefit, not for mine. It’s you that needs to find out exactly where you stand on the health scale and this will help you.
You need to download the Strength Chart here so you can fill out the form as you go through it. Don’t worry, it’s easy to do… nothing too difficult.
Shall we get started?
It’s great to go through the Pillars of Health every so often to see if you are making any improvements. This will really encourage you if you do.
We all want to experience freedom in our lives… freedom to do whatever it is we want to do. We can’t be free when we are always too tired or we don’t receive enough exercise etc. If our outlook is grim or we live in a toxic environment, everything appears to go against us.
Do our thoughts ever go out to others or are we fixated on ourselves? When is the last time you took time out to really help someone else? How did it make you feel? Yes, it’s very satisfying and helps us to live our life to the fullest.
How important is FUN to you?
It’s strange the F was the first letter to come up, which stands for FUN! It kind of makes me think it’s a lot more important than what most of us would think. I know someone who is very serious about his career and he won’t enter into anything fun as I think he thinks it’s frivolous! This is unfortunate as he is missing out on so much and would most probably do better in his career if he took time out occasionally.
Anyway, how did you go? Did you find you had a few wonky pillars? You can talk to me about it if you like.
Let’s know how you got on, so please don’t hesitate to share in the comments down below.