Beware of Deceptive Marketing
Deception, deception… everywhere! It seems to be around every corner and each bend. How I dislike deception.
Why can’t we be real with one another and say it like it is? Is it really that hard? Apparently not when there’s money to be made.
I hope you find this lesson to be helpful to you. You may need to take some notes to help when you’re shopping… please do.
9-Beware-of-Deceptive-MarketingIn our endeavour to live healthy and happy lives we need to become as wise as serpents and gentle as doves. We need to understand that not everyone out there is trying to help you. But as you become aware of the tactics they use, we can outsmart them. Way to go!
Any questions or comments… don’t forget to place them down below.
This is the last lesson in Module 1.
I hope you’ve received some information that will help you in your quest for wellness right up and through your mature years. Health doesn’t just happen… it truly needs to be worked at, but once you start to apply the principles it begins to follow you wherever you go.