Module 4


Are you eating Quality Protein Foods?
Are you sure what they are?

As I’ve been saying all the way through… in variation lies the key!  And, not only variation… but quality. You must endeavour to eat quality foods.  Take a look:


Some people almost live on red meat.   They don’t seem to worry what kind of red meat, as long as it’s red.  Take a man out to a restaurant, he’ll virtually always choose steak over chicken.

But unfortunately, as we saw from the Cancer Council, eating too much red meat certainly comes with its risks.

The much loved ham and bacon are ‘known to cause cancer’… this is because of the way they are processed.  It is possible to make your own using much safer methods, it just takes time.  Not everyone is prepared to do that, and not everyone is prepared to give up their bacon!

The choice is always ours.  We don’t have to say good-bye to bacon, but if you’re eating the conventional bacon from the supermarkets and most butcher shops, you may pay the price.  I hope not.  

I found a bacon in our supermarket that is made by Don Naturals which contains at least 60% less nitrites that conventional bacon.  I use a little of this occasionally when the menfolk yark for some bacon and eggs in the morning.

It doesn’t have to be meat!

There are many protein foods to choose from and it doesn’t always have to be meat. Vegetarians and Vegans don’t go anywhere near meat and they can maintain a very healthy lifestyle as long as they take care over a few issues.

Very yummy meals can be made combining plant-based foods that are full of flavour…. and really, who would miss the meat?

My son comes over to visit and asks me “What’s for dinner?”  He’s not interested in most of the meal, just what kind of meat am I preparing tonight!  I often have him on and start off by saying I’ll be having this vegetable and that vegetable…  He always comes back with… “But what meat?”

I’m not fond of having meat at every meal, not at all.  I love the variation that egg dishes and plant-based foods like lentils, rice, legumes etc bring to my diet.  Actually,  I’d have them far more often if it wasn’t for the men in the house!!

How about you?  What goes on in your house around meal times?


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