
Do you understand Complete and Incomplete Protein Foods?

The main point of this lesson is to show you how many protein grams are in a serve of various foods:


From these charts you can see that Lamb, Chicken breast, Turkey and Tuna top the lists.  They contain the highest amount of protein grams in a total serve of 85 grams.  This means they are all quite worthy of being added into your weekly meals.  There are many more meats though that are over the 20 grams per serve which is great.

Looking through dairy shows a wholesome amount of protein present which is wonderful.

You will notice that plant-based foods don’t contain anywhere near the amount of protein that meat does.  But this doesn’t mean they’re not a good supply.  You can mix and match which helps the protein grams to add up.  Even  1 cup of spinach contains 5 grams. 

Why not have a plant-based protein meal and top it off with a Chia Seed pudding? Sounds lovely to me!

How often do you eat a plant-based protein meal?


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