Balanced Weight Management – Part 2
Here we look at a scenario of how you will both look and feel after you have lost any excess weight. It’s done through small goals being achieved, one by one. It can be done.
We also take a look at a few options that are available out there. I wouldn’t recommend them, especially if you have not been trained to eat as you were designed to eat. Mind you, in some special cases, your doctor may recommend one of them as it may be necessary to save your life. I’m not talking about extreme cases like that.
6 - WeightLoss Presentation (Part 2)x
I have worked out the reduction of excess weight in 5 kilo increments over 10 weeks. This is not necessarily typical as it may happen a lot faster for you. It could be 1 kilo a week, rather than just half a kilo. That would mean 10 kilo in 10 weeks.
Many people rely on scales to tell them whether they are winning the weight loss game or not. Unfortunately, scales have a habit of tricking you left and centre!
In another lesson I share with you other methods of measuring which can give you a better overall of how you are doing. Scales are just one way and should be taken together with other measurements to see a true reading.
What methods have you been using? Which is your favourite? Would you like to share with us?