Metabolism Boosting

I’ve noticed that many will say they have a sluggish metabolism… and this is why they can’t lose weight.  Maybe they do, and maybe they don’t.  Let’s take a look…

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I think understanding the workings of our body, especially where metabolism is concerned, is really important.    Rather than just blindly keep stuffing food down our throat, I think it would be wise to learn to listen to our body.

Our body will talk to us all the time, but do we listen?

I guess you are wondering how it talks… does it use words… and are they in English?  LOL

Well, kind of!

If you suddenly feel really sleepy at a certain time of the day, or you feel an odd pain in the stomach after eating.  Maybe a ‘bit of a headache’ annoys you on a regular basis.  These, and much more, are ways your body is trying to communicate with you.

Rather than run to the pharmaceuticals, a smart person will have a little think!  They will begin to take note of how they’ve felt on other days and whether they’ve had similar experiences regularly.  Is it just after you eat a certain processed food?  

The more you leave behind the processed foods, and the more you take up concentrating on eating whole foods, the sooner these strange little happenings will most probably disappear.

There is no-one else in control of our food intake other than ourselves.  A man may say that he has to eat whatever his wife places before him, but you know what, how about he gently relates the way he feels after eating certain foods, and suggests to her maybe they could find a change for the better.  There is always a way around any situation… we just need to find it.

For further reading on metabolism visit What Causes a Slow Metabolism.


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