If you know that you should be drinking more water but the thought makes you cringe, why not try adding some Fennel essential oil into your water bottle?
I have a whole collection of essential oils, so my water bottle tastes different almost every day. I love to mix and match.
Where I keep my oils
In my Butler’s Pantry I have this wonderful little cabinet which I use to store my essential oils. My husband picked up in an antique/second hand shop. He brought it home for me and I instantly fell in love with it… it’s just so me!
It’s not just a painting, oh no… is so much more than that. Everything you see inside the glass door is molded and built. They build a little pretend chicken pen. It’s so cool! They made the spade, the rooster, the hen… everything.. . it’s so beautifully done.
The little drawer is just the right size for me to pop all my wonderful oils inside!
The whole collage opens with the door and inside there’s a shelf where I keep my new extra items.
What I use for my water bottle
This is one of my water bottles. It’s just an old sparkling water bottle, but I loved the pattern on it, so I kept it.
It holds 1.25 litres which is just over 2 pints. A typical soda/fizzy drink size.
How to make up the drink
First fill it up with filtered water. You do know that water, at the very least, needs to be filtered. Try not to use tap water for drinking.
Now to this I add 2 – 3 drops of pure essential oil.
My little drawer (above) contains many oils which are all safe to ingest. Any of them that are not designed for consumption I keep in another place. Makes it easier that way.
Fennel is one that is recommended to aid against spike proteins so this means I drink a bottle of this quite regularly.
As I usually drink two bottles per day, I make up the next one with a blend of different oils. I quite like the citrus flavours of which I have a few different kinds.
Many of them are great for boosting your immune system which is oh so necessary in this current time.
What’s it taste like?
Do you like liquorice? If so, you’ll be in heaven. When you first smell the bottle, it’s not so obvious. That’s because it is very, very strong. Too strong to smell like you may expect. But once it’s in that water, it’s yum, yum, yum!
Fennel is known to contain suramin, shikimic acid, similar to Pine Needle Tea
If you are struggling to source the correct pine needles to make up your own tea, you can use fennel, dandelion, and star anise too, to name a few..
Of-course, Fennel Essential Oil can help you in other ways as well, as described here by Dr Axe:
What type of Fennel Essential Oil should I use?
It is of extreme important that you make sure that you only use therapeutic grade, pure essential oil. Many oils in the market place that proclaim to be 100% pure, apparently only have a few drops and then filled with other oils etc.
You might get away with something like that on your skin, but when ingesting you must be sure of what you are putting in your body. Please be careful.
The one I use is from doTERRA. They have a wonderful range which I highly recommend.
Do you know what drew me to them? Their work and support of anti-hu/man tra/ffick/ing! The doTERRA Healing Hands:

So look at that! I can drink my fennel water while playing a little part towards anti-h/u/m/a/n t/r/a/f/f/i/c/k/i/n/g!