Jesus Matters Most

I am convinced that Jesus matters most. Although I am a great believer in Mouthful Matters and the information on health and wellness that I put out, it turns out that I’m a greater believer that we should, as Christians, be looking solidly to the Word of God concerning our health and well-being.

Firstly, I believe it’s important that we understand that sickness is spiritual, and it has to be dealt with spiritually.

When Jesus went to Calvary, it was for so much more than our sins.  If it were just for that, it would be ever so wonderful… and forever we’d praise Him for paying the price for our sin… past, present and future.  All gone.  All forgiven.  What an amazing gift given to us, which we can receive by faith, so that we can live for eternity with Him!

BUT… there is so much more!

They prophesied what would happen

You have heard it said in Isaiah 53:5:

“But he was wounded for our transgressions,
he was bruised for our iniquities:
the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
and with his stripes we are healed”

Although many would like to deny that Jesus was crucified, history proves it. Prophesied 700 years before the event took place!

Jesus wasn’t forced to do it – He chose to be obedient to the will of the Father.  

If He hadn’t allowed them to do it, they couldn’t have laid a hand upon Him. He let them, but only when He knew the time was right!

They scourged His back and body until He was no longer recognisable. Why did He let them do that? Because His love for you and me was so great. He knew that if He didn’t, we were all doomed.

Sickness and Disease – all dealt with…

And the most wonderful thing is this… He not only took care of our sin, while He was at it, He took care of every sickness and disease known to man. There is nothing that could ever happen to you that Jesus didn’t take care of at the cross.

So, if Jesus paid that enormous price for us, what are we doing accepting these things upon our body?

Many time people say, ‘…it’s to be expected, it comes with age!’ Why?

Jesus dealt with it before and on the cross!

So many Christians believe that Jesus died for their sin, but somehow feel that most of the miracles and healings that Jesus performed was for Bible times, and not so much for today.

People point out that we have made so many advances in medicine, that now our focus should be on that. It’s further pointed out that God is behind all the medical science and hospital systems, and we should pray… and if it be His will… we will be healed.

I believe the worldly medical and hospital system is important for the unbelievers.  It doesn’t mean that we can’t use them, and often we should.  But, first of all, we should look directly to Jesus who bore both our sins and our diseases in His own body, that we can fully benefit from it now… in our own body.

Hebrews 13:8 ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.’  He NEVER changes!

Do you notice that ‘we are healed’ in the verse of Isaiah above, is in the present tense.  It’s always present.  It’s always now.

Jesus Matters Most

To all who recognise how great the love of the Father is that He sent His Son to pay the enormous price for us, so that we can live free of our guilt conscience and from sickness and disease. Is it any wonder we praise and worship with hearts full of thankfulness?

As you read and absorb my information on health and wellness, please, if you are a Christian, be aware that you can go to the Father who takes care of all your needs.

That is the most important thing you can do. Then after that, looking after your body is of the upmost importance. We should not be slack in doing so or we will end up paying the price with unwell bodies, sickness and disease. Our part is to learn and apply all we can to keep ourselves in a healthy state, never forgetting that if we apply our faith, Jesus will more than willing to meet your need. Right now, He is waiting for you to talk to Him about it!

Always remember, Jesus Matters Most!

Have you got something you’d like to share, or a question to ask? Please don’t hesitate in the Comments section down below.


5 Thoughts to “Jesus Matters Most”

  1. Monica

    Thank you for this section
    , because so often, Jesus or God is never mentioned or referenced and He is our healer so I’m always skeptical when I don’t see that referenced at some point. Let’s give credit where credit is due.

    1. Marilyn Williams

      I agree with you Monica! I’m glad you see it that way too.

  2. Nancy

    Marilyn, I have so enjoyed perusing your wonderful website and learning so much…..then I saw your post on Jesus and thought, amen, what a wonderful gal you are! thank you so much. Grateful for you and your faith in our Lord Jesus! Merry Christmas!

    1. Marilyn Williams

      Thank you Nancy for sharing such kind words. Wonderful.

  3. Mi

    The pollen of the crown of thorns is in John 20:07 in Oviedo in the fibres; it is in John 20:06 in Turin in the fibres. The crown of thorns waits to return to NotreDam Paris. The thorny bush still flowers outside Jerusalem. There is alot more but will require the Holy Spirit to direct you if that is where you are needed.

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