In the Wellness Solutions Course Bundle you receive all of the following:
Wellness Solutions Course Bundle – Module 1
- Introduction
- Freedom Pillars of Balanced Health – find out where you are.
- Make S.M.A.R.T. Freedom Changes for exceptional health.
- Dissecting Diets – what’s the best?
- Healthy Eating Style Pyramid.
- What is your Fluid of Choice?
- Water purity.
- Companies spend billions to deceive you!
- Deceptive Marketing – codes and what they mean.
Wellness Solutions Course Bundle – Module 2
- Are you on fire? How can the fire be put out?
- Without lots of this, living is tough!
- Are you addicted?
- Have you ever considered the contents of what you drink?
- Sweet and flavoursome substitutions make life easier.
- Do you even need the artificial kind?
- Is your health constantly being sabotaged?
- How to kick the habit, once and for all.
Wellness Solutions Course Bundle – Module 3
- A healthy bowel is one of the most important aspects of wellness.
- Examples showing how to receive your daily quota
- You need to become a sleuth about your body
- Sensible eating the easy way
- My chief concerns – what is the truth?
- The minefield of fats and oils… clearly explained!
- Showing what to avoid… and what to consume.
- Understanding the cycle of change.
Wellness Solutions Course Bundle – Module 4
- Do you know if you are eating quality protein foods?
- Which proteins are complete and which are incomplete?
- It’s easy to adapt almost any recipe by making healthier choices
- Planning your meals allows you to eat the full spectrum of healthy foods
- Understanding the second mind-field… food labels! How to make it easy.
- The benefits of an ‘eating window’
- Yummy soup to sip your way to health
- A fun little quiz.
Wellness Solutions Course Bundle – Module 5
- Drinking is as easy as falling off a log. Do you understand what’s good and what’s not so good?
- Are you receiving enough vitamins in your diet?
- Without these you could be suffering any number of diseases!
- People get stuck in a rut eating the same old, same old… and cause problems through lack of nutrients
- Are free radicals running a-muck in your body? Who is the Knight in Shining Armour that rescues?
- Specific jobs needs to be carried out in a specific way. Are you meeting that need in your body?
- A 5 to 1 ratio is more efficient at meeting the need than cutting it out all together. Learn how.
Wellness Solutions Course Bundle – Module 6
- Do you consume a hormone cocktail every day? How many symptoms do you think would come from that? Learn what you need to do.
- The Great Debate…
- The wonders of cultured foods. Let me share the enormous benefits.
- Everyone has heard of probiotics… do you know you also need prebiotics?
- How to consume potatoes to best help your health.
- Are you in need of a good detox?
- The Seven Pillars of Balanced Health – Revisited
All six bundles of Wellness Solutions is currently available for the Special Price of $9.95.