Mouthful Matters - Health Benefits of Beet Juice

What are the Amazing Health Benefits of Beet Juice? Shown here made into a Blood Tonic.

Have you ever wondered what the powerful health benefits of beet juice are?  

I believe they are truly beneficial to our health. All parts of beets have wonderful health benefits for you: both the leaves and the root, and of course, in the beet juice too.

Health benefits of beet juice shows in its beautiful rich colour

The beautiful rich purple colour of beets is something we definitely need in our diet.  How many times when you eat a meal do you see the colour purple on your plate? Not often enough.

Every mouthful matters and counts towards our overall health.  We need to be eating all the various coloured fruit and vegetable we can find.

You will learn here about something quite yummy I have added to my diet… it’s a great blood tonic made from beet juice and red wine!

Have you ever thought about that colour?  Does is look like blood? Sure, comes very close!  And the amazing thing is that it just so happens it’s a super tonic for our blood.  Do you think it’s happened by chance, or is it more by design?  For me personally, I believe it’s by design.

Beets have long been used for their wonderful potent nutrition which just happens to give us massive health benefits.

Cancer Protection? … Dementia? … Heart?

The purple colour in beets helps to protect us from cancer if consumed regularly… in fact, it will help you in many ways. Beets contain certain properties which work together with the potential to prevent strokes, dementia and cardiovascular disease.

On top of that, the experts believe beets increase the blood flow to the brain, and if consumed regularly  are a great blood purifier. They can:

  • bring down blood pressure
  • help produce red blood cells
  • reduce inflammation in the body. 

All this together with its anti-aging properties which assists in keeping our hair beautiful and our skin glowing.

I’m barely scraping the surface with the health benefits, but it’s not the purpose of my writing to provide you with all the facts and trust me, there are many more.  I really just want to say that I’ve made a point of including beetroot into my diet because I’m keen to receive as many of the benefits as possible.

See what Dr Mercola says about the benefits of eating beets

Enjoy the health benefits of beet juice regularly

The best way to consume beets is by eating them raw or juicing them.  Lots of the health benefits of beets tend to be lost when you cook or steam them.  When the raw juice, which is ever so rich and delectable looking, is mixed together with red wine, the benefits are greatly multiplied.  As I blend the two ingredients together at a very high speed, they meld together and become as one. The high speed blending removes the alcohol from the red wine and the Blood Tonic tastes like something completely new.  I love it.

See how I make my Blood Tonic .

So I think they make that list, don’t you? In fact, do you know what?  I think most natural wholesome foods should be on that list.  That’s why we need to eat a large variety of vegetables and fruits because they all carry something different that our body needs.  What have you found out about beets that you wouldn’t be without?


Warm regards,
Marilyn Williams of Mouthful Matters




Marilyn Williams


21 Thoughts to “Health Benefits of Beet Juice will make you Jump out of your Skin!”

  1. Amira

    i must say i tried this last night and agree with you it tastes great. i’m looking forward to see if i feel benefits.

  2. ShellyMcGuir

    i was quite impressed with this article. So much so i’ve decided to buy some beets next time i visit the markets. Think i will try your suggestion with wine as i need something.

    1. That’s great Shelly! Yes do follow through and make this drink and then try to remember to drink a little of it each day. I’m happy to have helped you. Thanks for sharing and come back and tell us.

  3. kitty clark

    I love beets. When I lived in TN, I had a gentleman who lived a few doors down who grew beets on acres and acres of land. He told me to take as many as I wanted. I grew to love them raw and sliced with lunch. Also, the beet greens, I cooked them like spinach. The taste is divine. I didn’t know the roots were edible too. Very interesting. I am going to try this with the wine. It sounds fabulous, and beets are so good for you. What I don’t understand is the stores do not sell beet greens here in MI. I always wondered why. You can buy turnip greens and other greens, but never have I seen the beet greens. They taste so good. I wish I lived by my old friend again. Wonderful article about beets. They are so so good for you. I just didn’t know how good until I read your article. Thanks for the information, now I know I will make a point to eat them more than I do.

    1. Marilyn

      Cool, I’m glad you love them too! How fabulous to have a neighbour who had lots to give away… couldn’t get better than that!

      You are quite right about the greens. Sometimes we can get them here but often not, only the root. I’ve never really understood that neither. I usually can pick them up all in tact at the local markets, but not so much in the stores.

      Let me know how you go with the wine… the flavour is different but quite yum.

  4. Travis Smithers

    Always great to read up on some of the benefits of healthy foods.
    Beets for juicing is something that I have been doing for some time that I mix with other fruits and vegetables to have for keeping good health. As you have stated it is very important to eat or drink the things are body needs to stay healthy and fit.
    Like you I’m not sure if beets are a super food but they are to me.

    1. Marilyn

      Hey that’s really great that you have already been juicing beets.. good for you! The word “super food” gets bandied about a lot, I think it’s easy to call a food super food… but really it depends on the amount of nutrients a food has. Many foods could be added to the list I think. But considering the good that beets do, I think we are safe to include them… don’t you think?

      Thanks for leaving your thoughts, much appreciated. 🙂

  5. Marcella

    Wow – I never knew beetroot was so good for me! I’m glad I like it! We have just started using a Nutribullet and discovering the whole “superfoods” thing so thanks for sharing the info on beetroots – I have alot to learn. Your website if full of ideas for me so I have bookmarked it will be reading more. I will certainly be adding “purple” to my family diet more often!

    1. Marilyn

      That’s really fabulous Marcella. You will enjoy adding beets into your juices, and you’ll also enjoy being conscious of adding purple to your diet. It’s a much overlooked colour which packs a punch nutritionally.

      I’m happy you have bookmarked me and hope you’ll receive a lot of benefit from my site. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and share. 🙂

  6. Liz

    I know a lot of people don’t like beets, but I do! I have not tried the blending of the with wine though. I will have to try that out! I am a little nervous about the taste though. How does it taste? You are right when you said there are so many health benefits to beets. Thanks for the info. It helped me a lot!

    1. Marilyn

      No need to be nervous. I think I mentioned somewhere that I’m not that fussed on the straight beet juice, and I’m actually not that fussed on the taste of red wine… but… mix them together I think the taste is fabulous. You only drink a small amount anyway – about 3 mouthfuls or so.

      I’m happy you find the info helpful and hope I have much more that will benefit you and your family along the way Thanks so much.

  7. Marcus

    I have heard that anything with a strong colour is very nutritious. For example, grapes, blueberries ans raspberries. I think the colour indicates that they have phytonutrients that are extremely beneficial.

    I have used beetroot in juice in the past. I definitely think it needs to be mixed with other things, though, otherwise the flavour can be a bit difficult to drink. You need a bit of fruit in there I think. However, you could just hold your nose and down it.

    I’ve never considered mixing beet juice with wine, though. Does that taste nice?

    1. Marilyn

      Hi Marcus… I’m with you as I don’t particularly like beet juice on its own. I’m not a great fan of wine neither. It’s really surprising though how lovely it is when they are both mixed together! I really love it and look forward to my “dose” each evening… there’s certainly no need to hold your nose! You receive the benefits of both the wine and the beet juice, which are plentiful.

      You are right about the colour… those deep purple/red colours are so full of phytonutrients that our body needs, and so yum at the same time.

  8. Samantha

    I’ve been hearing so much about the benefits of beets lately, but have yet to start eating them.

    I didn’t grow up eating beets, so it’s very helpful for me to get information like this about the benefits, and get some recipes (especially if wine is involved like in your Blood Tonic!). Thank you for this information!

    1. Marilyn

      Thanks Samantha for leaving a comment. Yes, you should try the Blood Tonic as it will do you good. Beets have always been apart of my life from my earliest memories, so I’ve no trouble incorporating them into Blood Tonic. I’m going to start culturing some soon, so that will be interesting!

  9. Cathy

    Hi there Marilyn,

    Thanks for sharing the benefit of beet juice. I am starting to do some juicing lately and am looking for other ingredients to use besides my favorite orange and pear combination.

    How much portion of beet to red wine would you suggest? Would you add the red wine into the juicer or later after the beet juice is done? Sorry if this sounds silly, I have not tried this one before so I am curious to know.

    Thanks for your tips.

    1. Hi Cathy… I’m really sorry for taking so long to answer… circumstances beyond my control.

      I usually juice 2 beets and add the exact same quantity of wine as I have in juice. First I juice the beets then pour that into my blender… add the same amount of wine and blend them for upwards of 5 minutes. This ensures they are both well blended together and don’t separate.

      Let me know how you go…. I’d love to hear.

  10. Cathy

    Hi there Marilyn,

    Thanks for sharing the benefit of beet juice. I am starting to do some juicing lately and am looking for other ingredients to use besides my favorite orange and pear combination.

    How much portion of beet to red wine would you suggest? Would you add the red wine into the juicer or later after the beet juice is done? Sorry if this sounds silly, I have not tried this one before so I am curious to know.

    Thanks for your tips.

    1. Marilyn

      Hi Cathy… I’m really sorry for taking so long to answer… circumstances beyond my control.

      I usually juice 2 beets and add the exact same quantity of wine as I have in juice. First I juice the beets then pour that into my blender… add the same amount of wine and blend them for upwards of 5 minutes. This ensures they are both well blended together and don’t separate.

      Let me know how you go…. I’d love to hear.

  11. kathe

    Hi there Marilyn. My husband also like to eat beets but when he tried, he doesn’t like the taste. Is juicing it with wine can remove the root-taste like? And consuming it raw, how does the taste like? You see he likes healthy stuff and trying things to stay healthy.

    1. Marilyn

      Hi Kathe!

      I quite understand how your husband doesn’t like the taste of the juice raw… I don’t either. It seems to burn my throat which I don’t find a pleasant sensation.

      I find though, when it’s mixed with red wine, there is none of that unpleasantness. It takes on a completely different taste to either the beetroot or the wine.

      As I only drink a very small amount each night, I find it very nice indeed and easy to take.

      Hope that helps Kathe.

      Warm regards, Marilyn

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